From the north to south, there are too many trails in Northwest Arkansas so we had to split them up into several different ones that each offer a great experience in their own way. A North Tour around Bentonville and a South Tour around Fayetteville. Then our personal favorites- a day trip to the Buffalo that is sure to satisfy the craving for adventure and the back-country enthusiast. Or possibly an epic day trip to Eureka Springs where we can show you anything from raw single-track, iconic architecture, gravity fed DH lines and hidden gem trails of Eureka that only the locals know of. With half-day and full-day options, it is possible to link multiple trail-systems together for any size adventure. Tour the town like a local by riding with professional guides that also insure you’re not stranded by having our mechanical support in your quiver.

Eureka Springs Tour (Full Day Tour)

🚲Beginner to Advanced

🕐Full Day

Dustin Slaughter- “If you asked me- “Where is your favorite place to ride in Arkansas?”. This is it!”

Eureka Springs is personally one of favorite city's, ever. And in my opinion, has some of the best trails. Lake Leatherwood has offered single-track that is scenic and raw for decades. There is a old hand-built dam you can ride across. The Gravity project at Leatherwood is now open, there are 7 DH trails that we can shuttle. Friends that are fellow professional riders praise at being able to get towed into the trails that have big features and are able to follow MY line and hit the drops and jumps without having to stop frequently to scope everything out. Other friends and clients have been taking advantage of our skills coaching and are able to progress quickly on the green trails that have beginner jump and drops to learn on. There are several other hidden trails through out the city of Eureka Springs too, along with a hidden gem lake with more trails- Black Bass Lake. You could literally spend TWO- Day Tours to see everything here.

We are stoked to offer tours and shuttles at The Great Passion Play. This is a new trail-system on the East side of Eureka Springs. I’m very proud to say that I had a hand in helping build some of these trails. The trails offer one of the best beginner green loops, a blue trail that feels like a pump-track down the hill side, and several black trails that are fast and technical.

There are several options to experience this tour- It depends on what you’re looking for! We can pedal our way around Lake Leatherwood on the single-track. Shuttle DH runs all day. Combine the two main trail-system | Leatherwood and Passion Play. OR, split up the day between DH, coaching, riding.. Fill out our form and tell us your idea!


Full Day

1 Person- $180 Solo Rider

2-4 People- $135 Each Rider

5-12 People- $110 Each Rider